I recently finished the book Lessons from a Lipstick Queen. When I purchased it from my iPad I didn't even look at what it was about, I just assumed it would be good and purchased it. Turns out it was exactly what I needed. The book is about Poppy King who at the age of eighteen started her own lipstick company, it speaks of her journey, and the trials and tribulations of starting and running your own business.
While I've always wanted to start my own business, it really hit home in how I was feeling about my current position. Constantly defeated. While things one day will run extremely smooth, the next day it's as though you made every mistake possible, and being the perfectionist I am never feels good. I've been trying to stay positive and thought some additional reading could bring some clarity to how i've been feeling.
Through some digging I found Overwhelmed, which is about time management and creating a life you can love without feeling like a crazy person. While I stick to a strict to-do list, and try to manage my time effectively, I'm finding it's not my work schedule but my at home schedule that has gotten a bit lazy. Instead of hitting the gym, and making time for grocery shopping, I tend to just sit on my ass and order out. With the snow finally melting, it's time to get back into my old groove.
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook) is about balancing it all, and why women make fabulous leaders. The last book which is always a classic, I read once in college but thought now would be a great time to re-read How to Win Friends & Influence People.
What are you currently reading? Anything you'd recommend?
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