The thermometer over the weekend hit over 75 and I couldn't have been more excited. Once the snow melted, we got right into cleaning up the yard, it's honestly the worst one in the neighborhood. It also didn't help that the previous owners neglected to pick up the leaves in the fall (it's been a pain.) But, it's starting to "get there" and we imagine after a lot of seeding and fertilizing, our yard will look fabulous (if we're lucky.)
One thing I wanted to tackle a little bit this year, is a small vegetable garden. Since we're still in clean up mode, it's not as big as i'd like it, but I did get a chance to put in a few tomato and pepper plants. I plan to add some herbs like cilantro and basil, but needed a few more of the tin planters from Ikea to continue on. What are some things you are planting this year in your backyard?